Hear From Our People

"This company gave me the opportunity for an exciting career growth. I started as a normal staff and now I’m managing a number of stores as their Area Manager. I enjoy the experience and learning about the process of handling stores on a daily basis."

Nur Faniza Abdullah

"I learned a lot going through various challenges. Which would eventually lead to my personal success. All thanks to my experiences working for Saveway."

Komati A/P Athimulam

"I’m always motivated, and when I’m able to share knowledge among my colleagues, it feels satisfying. The environment is supportive, that I’m able to share my strengths around and guide my colleagues in achieving their goals."

Qamarul Qusyairi Bin Rosli

"Being able to work with a team of highly passionate people is rare, and I am very lucky to experience it. Their high motivation leaves no room for going solo, and everything moves through strong teamwork."

Asmidar Abd Kadir